Coming out of the Closet - As a Soul-Sexual Empathic Healer, Fellow Human of Earth, Warrior of Truth, & Explorer of the ADIO!
Let us share Light and support one another in relinquishing ourselves of shame, Masks, and heartache. Revelations, restitutions, contemplations, new chapters, personal growth, and beyond. Just stepping into larger roles as the human and Healer that I currently am by embodying my Truth in pursuit of my Reason. May this recording stand as inspiration for you to work on letting go of what is not yours and proudly claim all the pieces of yourself that remain when enough of your layers are shed.
When we remove enough of what is not ourselves, it becomes clear that boys and girls who are lucky enough to become men and women within a single lifetime are no more or less than ever-fluid physical working outward expressions of True Masculine and Feminine-dominant Sacred archetypes. We each encompass essences of both sexes equally in balanced expression through every fiber of our being, in all of our bodily processes, in each thought, reaction, and every emotion. Everything in existence is both male and female in nature. To have preference for one side, or to be expressive more of one or the other is not a matter of ‘correctness’, it just is, as a constant-acting Universal Truth... Happening in all objects always, animate, intelligent, or not. This is the great duality that upon the creation of this Plane, where first there was space and time, was perpetuated forward from the unknown by the Universal Intelligence of everything in its endless enthalpic spiral toward Infinite varieties of Love, where Love, according to Paul Chek is Consciousness experiencing itself.
#Chek #HLC #HealthCoach #FutureDC #SacredMasculine #SacredFeminine #Tao #Balance #Health #Love #Empathy #Unity #Understanding #Relationships #Empowerment #Healing #ForagerHealth #LGBTQ